Dear Editor,
I get disappointed by the Minnesota Vikings every year. I expected them to be bad, I got my hopes up and then they lost in the playoffs.
I am a fan of the Vikings and always will be- they still disappoint me year after year. This year everyone expected the Vikings to be bad. They were great the entire regular season, and then got blown out in the first round of the playoffs. It didn’t really shock me that they lost just because Vikings fans are used to it.
The Vikings disappoint after getting hopes up every year. This year, 2022, and 2017 are just a few recent examples. I believe that the current head coach, Kevin O’Connell, has a chance to bring the Vikings a Super Bowl.
I will continue to root for this team and continue to get my hopes up. I will most likely continue to get disappointed.
Luke Jansen – 9th Grade
Dear Editor,
One of my most favorite things our school has to offer would be college visits, yet so many students don’t end up going because they aren’t aware of these things going on. My first visit was to Winona State University and it was incredibly helpful. It let me explore the campus, learn about the programs they have, and think more about my future. This makes college feel more doable and helps students make more responsible choices and decisions.
Although, the school needs to do more to share these opportunities. Announcements, posters, and directly reaching out ensures that every student knows about college visits. Having more trips and making them more accessible would help a lot more students.
Some may say that students could simply research about colleges online, but actually visiting the college in person gives a much clearer idea.
By raising awareness of these experiences, we can help students feel more confident in their future. Let’s make sure every student has the opportunity to explore their options!
Evelyn Puga Lazaro – 11th Grade