In this addition to our Hasa tries series we found ourselves craving something sweet, so we decided to test out a no bake recipe.
We chose to no bake recipes because we don’t have access to a stove in our room and most of the time are pretty easy.
What we did not foresee though was just how many of these recipes involved using a stove to either melt or emulsify ingredients. This is why we chose the recipe called No Bake Brownie Bites by Katie Higgins and It is on her blog “Chocolate Covered Katie”. For ingredients honey, cocoa powder, peanut butter (or a substitute if you are allergic) and a food processor were the only things it needed.
We not only chose this recipe because it didn’t involve a stove, but also because of the accessible ingredients and minimal tools needed. However, we were also skeptical if it would even work with little ingredients involved, no measurements and little instruction. Most of us did not even believe it would taste good.
It did end up coming together, but the first thing we noticed while we were blending all the ingredients together was how it looked. We were not really appetized by its appearance. To put it plainly it looked like a pile of poop on a plate. “It looks like something that came out of my cat.” said Brittany Utzka.
When we finally did eat it there were some mixed opinions with some of us saying it tasted exactly like how it looked and others thinking it wasn’t so bad. Most of us could agree though that it did taste mostly like peanut butter and was a little too rich for our tastes.
With little ingredients and instructions the end result did end up turning out okay. We do think that it was missing some things like measurements that could have helped it have a less overpowering taste of peanut butter. The recipe did say you could add in anything you want and we think it would pair well with oats. It also could be something to cut its richness and give it more of a range of flavor.
Overall with some modifications this recipe could be good, but as is it is something we wouldn’t choose to eat again.