Spend time on the internet and you’ve probably run into some stop-motion animations, specifically stop-motion Lego cooking videos. A channel that makes these types of videos is the YouTube channel @Legocooking, who has 1.7 million subscribers. These videos are popular because they are meant to imitate cooking shows but all of the food is made up of Legos. For example, real knives chop Lego vegetables and a real spatula spread Lego pizza sauce over a Lego dough.
These videos are satisfying to watch because not only is the animation smooth, but these videos are accompanied with ASMR sounds that the Lego would make if they were “cooked.” The sound adds to the realism that they are cooking actual food.
Although this is not specified towards these Lego cooking videos, creators who make these stop-motion videos report that it takes 12 to 15 days to create these short films but this time also varies depending on the creator. That’s a long time, especially since these videos are no longer than 5-10 min, but I would say that the end-product is worth every satisfying second.
Warning: Don’t Eat the Legos
Ahlahasa staff member, Mariajose Ruiz-Ceronio (12) made a Lego build as a tribute to Ahlahasa. Alongside that, Ahlahasa staff all added their own perosnalized Lego figure’s to acompany the build. If you want to check it out, it is in display right in front of room E200 Photo by Mariajose Ruiz-Ceronio