To Given Saw (9), art is a way of showing his emotions and expressing himself. Saw also mentions that he has drawn since he was little, and his artistic skills continue to grow with improvement. It’s about drawing whatever he wants and drawing whatever he likes. Saw says that his favorite thing to draw is “human characters or landscapes.”
Artists usually get some sort of inspiration for what they draw, Saw mentions that he’s sometimes inspired by the town that he lives in. He likes to draw broken down or old buildings but adds a charm to it. Saw says that he has a lot of nostalgia that draws him in.
As of right now, he is not taking any art classes, but he grew up wanting to become an artist and still kind of does. His main inspiration for his art and wanting to draw is his mother who he says is “good at drawing.”
Saw said, “She sews clothes a lot so she would draw things like people.”
His mother would draw and doodle on some paper and after he would copy the people she sketched on paper while sewing clothes for them.