Boys Basketball
The Albert Lea Tigers Boys Basketball team had a game on Friday the 13th against New Ulm. The Tigers unfortunately lost 56-65. Standout players from the game include Jack Skinness and TJ Collins who each scored 13 points and Drew Teeter who scored 12 points.
This is the 3rd loss from the Tigers this week with a close game on the 10th and a tough loss on the 12th. Some things that went wrong in the last few games were rebounds and turnovers. There were many times where the tigers got the ball taken from them when it could have been easily prevented. During rebounds both offensive and defensive there wasn’t enough aggression.
Varsity Coach Harrison Koetz says that he believes the team is close this year and is able to work together because of it, he also says that practices feel very focused. Something he thinks the varsity team could improve at is effort saying ¨I think sometimes our effort on the varsity level isn’t always there so having the best effort we can all the time is something were trying to improve.¨ During his coaching career Koets hopes to improve the basketball program and ensure a positive future at all levels. He also hopes to take the team to state as much as possible
Make sure to support the tigers at their next home game and if you’re interested I would highly recommend trying out for basketball next year.