Review of “The Space Between Us”

Official poster for “The Space Between Us”
Remember when water was found on Mars? And remember when it was heard that people were being recruited for a one way trip to the red planet?
“The Space Between Us” combines a doomed teen romance with the wonder of scientific advancement on Mars.
Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield) is a 16 year old boy who was born on Mars. His mother Sarah Elliot (Janet Montgomery) died in childbirth. Raised by scientists, Gardner hears much about his mother’s home planet, but can never return due to the biological changes he has from being born on Mars. In order for his body to withstand Earth, he has to undergo a risky surgery that is not proven to work.
Determined to experience the wonders of Earth, and meet the only person his age on earth that he knows, Tulsa (Britt Robertson). He pushes all of the limits in a breathtaking search for what makes him human.
The young romance and the happy ending make it clear that the target audience is for a teenage group. The film is filled with color and beauty from the red landscape of Mars to the rocky bluffs of the Grand Canyon.
“The Space Between Us” is a perfect romantic film, just in time for Valentine’s Day. It has already been nominated for the Teen Choice Awards. It’s especially perfect for those who are too young to go see it’s rival film: “Fifty Shades Darker”.