Working Retail on Black Friday
Life’s Most Miserable Day as an Associate

5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..”
That’s when I felt it. All my support I once bore was stripped from me and was gone with the wind. Crazed shoppers began to flood Herberger’s after the countdown to the opening of our Black Friday sales. And I, prey to these relentless shoppers as an associate, had just felt my bra unclasp on its own. Mind you, a strapless bra, that is. I was totally screwed over.
Floored, I just turned and sputtered out my bra dilemma to my coworker beside me. She went into panic mode as well. Throwing me, really, into a fitting room to collect myself and my two misplaced friends, she attempted to man two registers alone.
I never have adjusted a bra so quickly. Nonetheless, I was choking on fear of a customer walking in on me and ultimately ending up being terminated due to the bizarreness of the whole situation. Thankfully, none of that happened and I just buried the situation in the deepest part of me and tried to move on.
Before my shift had begun I was shaking in the breakroom with what might of been anxiety or just energy. I knew it was going to be hard. My suspicions of the severity of the shift were definitely affirmed when everyone gave me a look of pity when they found out I was working the only department store in town for Black Friday. It’s likely when people think of Black Friday they think of aggressively eager consumers determined to get exactly what they came for–and they would be right.
Every worker and customer had been operating at such a fast pace, running seemed like the new walking. That’s what sticks with me the most: the high energy. Outside of that, I was lucky enough to not encounter any rude or angry customers unlike some of my more unfortunate coworkers. The worst parts for me, besides the obvious, we’re the scheduled breaks and meals we had to take precisely when timed, and being short three people in my department. I’m not supposed to work a register at my job due to my epilepsy and how it could trigger seizures for me, but unfortunately I had to accommodate the situation’s needs versus the other way around. I didn’t mind too much, but, honestly, I was simply scared. I was worried something was going to happen and I would be left helpless. However, all went well.
The rest was relatively fun. It’s kind of exciting to work at a quick pace and be of service to happy customers. Still, I hope I never have to relive a day in retail on Black Friday ever again.