Wall Of Inspiration

The chairs lined up, with each nominee’s tile.
Be the change you want to see. That’s the theme of the Wall of Inspiration, a space in the ALHS commons that honors those who inspire those around them. On April 22, 2016, nine individuals were honored during the Wall of Inspiration Ceremony.
The wall was started to honor the memory of ALHS alumnus, Josh Kuphal who tragically passed away from complications following a stroke.
Senior Jake Thompson was nominated for his leadership skills on and off the field as well as looking for the best in himself and his team. His tile had a baseball theme and a quote from his father, “Every moment in life is an opportunity to succeed.”
Justine Nelson was nominated for her positive attitude. Her nomination letter explained how she is the kindest and most selfless person they know. Nelson is involved in her community and will be serving as student council president next school year as a senior. A family photo is the center of Nelson’s tile along with symbols that are important to her, an equal sign to represent equality and another symbol that represents Down’s Syndrome.
Todd Collins has been teaching in Albert Lea since 2006 and is known for being a teacher who “just gets it”, understanding that all students are different and have different needs. Collins’ tile was inspired by the people who inspire him- his children, his wife, and most of all, his mother.
Alexis Peralta is a senior, and a true leader at the high school. He is involved in student council and Link Crew. Peralta is proud of his inspiring journey from taking ESL classes to college courses. His tile includes a photo of Chavela Vargas and a quote in Spanish which translates to “I do not come to see if I can, because I can I come.”
Matt Palmer is known for always smiling, and for being one of the most caring people. Palmer filled his tile with photos of the things he loves- wrestling, football, and

Palmer, hugging past nominee, Karina Strip as he goes to give the WOI committee his tile.
singing. He also added three silver letters to the side, N G U. Never give up. Palmer feels honored to be included on the wall and has a simple message to the unknown person who nominated him, “Thank you for nominating me, I’m glad I can make you smile.”
Amy Vogt, is an ALHS grad who went on to study at Augustana. Vogt was nominated by her daughter, Megan for being a hardworking person as well as putting others before herself. Her tile represents her faith as well as her love for her family, friends, and her students.
Amy Sanderson was nominated for being an inspiration to the community as well as the school. She is involved in National Honor Society, Link Crew, and in her church. Sanderson’s tile included the quote “Believe there is good in the world” with letters highlighted to show another message, be the good.
Sarah Thompson is described as “unsinkable”, overcoming obstacles with a smile. Her tile is decorated with the words faith, hope, and love. The tile also includes photos of her driving her lawn mower (an activity she enjoys) as well as other photos of her smiling.
Melissa Schuman has been at the high school for the past 5 years, showing kindness and compassion to all who enter the building. Her tile honored family members who has passed away with ribbons that represent the cancers they battled. One ribbon however is to honor her step-father who has been battling prostate cancer. Along with the ribbons, her tile includes a photo of a clock to represent the gift of time, and her family.
So no matter who you are, where you come from, being a helping hand, or smiling throughout life, will always be the best thing to do.