Valentine’s Day
A Superfluous Holiday
January 25, 2016

Valentine’s Day can be spent with loved ones of all kinds, whether it is a boyfriend or girlfriend, the family or friends. Even with this list of people you can spend the holiday with, there are things you can not help but worry about. For example, having a valentine.
Junior Alexis Pesch thinks people worry about being single or not, when they could be spending their time doing other things with friends or family.
“I won’t be doing anything big,” Pesch said. “I’m probably going to babysit so my parents can go somewhere. And do my homework. Maybe even sleep.”
Junior Zach Schneider thinks others are worried about not getting the right gift and being dumped. Schneider already knows his plans on this day: doing the homework the teachers assigned. Instead of doing the homework, Schneider wishes he was going on a date.
“I hate it when Valentine’s Day lands on a school day,” Schneider said. “Because teachers assign homework instead of handing out treats.”
The real question: What is the point of this holiday? Is it unnecessary? To Pesch, Schneider and junior Jennifer Paczkowski it is.
“Yeah, it’s unnecessary,” Schneider said. “It’s just for people to have a reason to spend more money on candy.”
Paczkowski thinks it is unnecessary because there is not a point to the holiday. She said your significant other should treat you like every day is Valentine’s Day.
“Even though I’m not single, I still don’t do anything,” Paczkowski said. “If I were to do something, I would hang out with my boyfriend.”
Pesch said she has not really thought about the necessity of the holiday, but when she does she finds it unnecessary, even though it has been around forever.
Some people would agree with Pesch, Schneider, and Paczkowski, but that does not mean your Valentine’s Day will be spent on the negative side, and candy is 50% off.