Homecoming Recap
Another Homecoming week comes to a close with a day filled with many activities.
Students all gathered in the ALHS gym to watch coronation emceed by juniors Kailey Christensen and Ryan Nelson.

This year’s Homecoming Royalty waits for the king and queen to be crowned during the coronation ceremony.
(L-R) Matt Tate, Jakob Kilby, Schafer Overgaard, Jay Skaar, Foster Otten, Karina Stripe, Calin Adams, Ahnika Jensen, Katie Rassmussen, and Francesca Eckstrom.

Last year’s Homecoming King, Connor Larson crowns Matt Tate (12) as Homecoming King during the coronation ceremony. This year’s ceremony was held in the ALHS gym instead of the auditorium where it had been held in past years.

Last year’s Homecoming King, Connor Larson prepares to crown Calin Adams as Homecoming Queen during the coronation ceremony. This year’s ceremony was held in the ALHS gym instead of the auditorium where it had been held in past years.
The rest of the way was filled with chatter about plans for the evening until the end of fifth hour when the sounds of drums provided by from ALHS Drumline echoed through the halls, signaling the beginning of field day.
Free hamburgers, inflatables, and the 2015 Powderpuff Football game featuring commentary from Mr. Haney and Mr. Barickman were all part of the Field Day festivities enjoyed by many students.

This year’s Powderpuff Football game was won by the Junior team with a last minute touchdown.
Later that evening, fans flocked to Jim Gustafson Field to watch the Albert Lea Tigers take on the Marshall Tigers.
Halftime included a performance from the Albert Lea Marching Tigers who took the field for their performance of “Superman Opener” for the first time in years instead of performing on the track.
The other crowd-pleasing performance was given by the Albert Lea Dance Team. Dancers wowed the crowd with their Homecoming Dance.
The AL Tigers fought hard, but sadly fell to Marshall.

Alex Goodmanson takes the field during the Homecoming game held at Jim Gustafson Field
After the game, ALHS students migrated over to the high school where two Homecoming dances were held; the 8th and 9th grade dance was held in the commons while the gym was home to the 10th-12th grade dance. Students danced until midnight when the dances came to a close.
Thank you to all who made this wonderful Homecoming Week possible, and congratulations to this year’s Homecoming King and Queen, Matt Tate and Calin Adams.