Tis the Season

The Holidays may just bring you fears


Tis the season right? The holidays are supposed to be the most joyful time of the year but more times than not, the weeks before the holiday suck.

I remember being young and counting down the days until Christmas and celebrating with family, but as I’ve gotten older, I realize why all the adults around me stopped getting excited for the holidays.

Buying gifts is time consuming, getting the house, the tree and the meal ready is even more time consuming.

I used to think it was all easy and fun to host the holidays but now I’ve watched my grandma stress over every little detail of the holidays. The meal. The gifts. Having enough room for the whole family. Everybody getting along. The list goes on and on.

As well as now buying gifts for family members, I’m also now responsible for making it to many different events on different sides of the family. It’s tons of running back and forth and keeping track of times and places.

The holiday season is the most stressful time of the year but despite the myths the suicide rates do not actually go up during the holiday season. Though it is a believable myth, it has been busted . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website confirmed this is not true.

As you get older, the more stressful the holidays will become. The one thing I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that, though the holidays can drive you nearly crazy, don’t take for granted the time with your friends and family. These are the memories you’ll want to have in 30 years.

Though the weeks counting up to the big holidays are always going to suck, just remember that it is worth it and “Tis the season to be jolly!