The bell rings and the crowds instantly begin to form. Student’s conversate and laugh along with running, pushing and shoving. All the students run to lunch like they have never eaten before. Pure insanity.
I doubt it’s solely due to students enjoying this year’s new food menu. Maybe it’s because our stomachs are exploding with hunger. After all, we’re teenagers. We love food. Whatever it is, the lunch room is full of excitement.
It’s no secret Americans aren’t exactly healthy eaters, but the lunchroom made some changes this year. A few good, such as the pizza. Can’t find your friend? Check the pizza line, he’ll be there. A few not so enjoyable changes, too, such as no more desserts. No Rice Crispy treats, no malts and no ice cream cooler, but do we really need those things? Substitute the malt for diced peaches or a bag of grapes. It’s healthy and delicious. After all, that is what the changes were made for, to enjoy something healthy, but delicious.
These are only minor changes to make ALHS a healthier place. They aren’t devastating nor are they life changing, and if so, come see me, I’m going to refer you to therapy. Bottom line: negative comments about how all the food is gross is a little uncalled for and immature. If it’s that bad, pack your own lunch. No one is stopping you. I’ll even make your lunch if that’s what it takes to stop the complaining.
Plus, there are a variety of things you can be choosing from; it’s not like they serve just one meal. And if you can’t decide, just get the pizza. Everyone loves the pizza; you will, too. Trust me.
If people aren’t complaining about the food, they’re complaining about how packed lunch is, or how late in the day we all eat. We get it. You’re hungry, see vending machines for snacks. It’s no big deal. I’m sure your teachers won’t mind if you snack on some Combos in class, as long as you’re not chewing like a horse, or making a mess like you’re four. If they do mind, well, then that’s unfortunate; stop chewing like you’re four.
Try having a more optimistic attitude about school lunches; they aren’t that bad, and just be glad we have the pizza.